Sengkang Methodist Preschool Values In Action:
Everyone is uniquely created by God
– Knowing Cerebral Palsy
The K1 and K2 Start Small Dream Big project's theme is ‘Everyone is uniquely created by God – Knowing Cerebral Palsy’.
We invited the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) to collaborate with us to impart the values of Respect and Thankfulness to our children. through a joint sports day, a story-telling session and craftwork for the year.
Volunteers from CPAS conducted a story-telling session during which a story created by CPAS - ‘Orange Garden’ was told to our kindergarteners. The story is about the journey of a little bear which discovered that the secret to real happiness is our differences that make us unique. During the review session, our teachers shared with our children that we are wonderfully and uniquely created by God. Our children were also learnt that accepting differences is a show of respect to others and thankfulness for what God has given us.
Through the planned activities and the time of reflection afterwards, children shared the important takeaway that they were thankful to be able to do many tasks and with that ability, and that they can help others in need.
Our Start Small Dream Big project has created an awareness among our children and their families that we are uniquely created for a purpose and we should respect others and be thankful for being uniquely created for a purpose.